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The uniqueness of coaching in personal development

It is interesting looking back over the last three months at the range of clients that I have been working with as to why they have wanted to work with a coach and what has been most useful to them as part of our coaching sessions.

In the main it has been about really wanting to work on their own future and their own personal development along with having a neutral sounding board that has a complete focus on them as an individual. The common theme has been around people looking to achieve their full potential for themselves and their organisations. To improve their self awareness, have a clear direction and to develop further as a manager and as a leader.

For some coaching has been a new experience, but they have often said that being able to come out of a very busy working schedule to focus on themselves has been one of the highlights of their week.

It is also interesting that it is often the people who did not know a lot about coaching, or at first did not think coaching was for them that have fed back the greatest positive results from our sessions.

How are you looking to develop yourself this year?